for Economic

Ideas for impact

We generate groundbreaking policy ideas by partnering with think tanks and researchers in emerging economies.

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New Course: Evaluating Women’s Employment Opportunities

Join our online course to explore an innovative framework that incorporates location-specific factors in assessing women's job prospects. Register by April 4.

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Developing countries need a better strategy to accelerate rural development

Rural communities brim with untapped potential. How could more sophisticated growth strategies unleash this? Read key insights from the World Development Report 2024. 

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Growth Academy MENA

How to shape the future of policymaking in middle-income countries in the Middle East and North Africa? This workshop will provide a clear roadmap, focusing on strategies to overcome the middle-income trap.

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Measuring Development Conference

What are the latest breakthroughs in biodiversity measurement? Join us in person or online to discuss the latest research, conservation policies, and the role of data in shaping sustainable ecosystems.

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Enhancing External Debt Statistics for Greater Transparency and Sustainability

Explore new forms of debt instruments and external debt methodologies, and connect with World Bank researchers in this event organized with the Government of Japan and the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific.

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Ideas for Impact Newsletter

Sign up to our quarterly newsletter to receive exclusive research insights, updates on our events and workshops, learning opportunities, and more. Stay connected. Sign up now!

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