Development Data

Turning Data into Actionable Insights

Man using a mobile phone on a boat

The amount of data in the world is growing at an unprecedented rate, and data is becoming an integral part of the daily lives of most people everywhere. How do we tap the full value of data, ensuring equitable access for poor people? What reforms are needed in data governance to protect individuals, businesses, and societies from harm? 

To explore how data can better advance development objectives, this topic page brings together important policy messages derived from World Bank research, including the World Development Report 2021: Data for Better Lives and other reports and papers. It also provides additional valuable resources for researchers and policymakers seeking to better understand and address the use of data for development.

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Key Policy Messages

These are major themes and messages emerging from the latest World Bank research on using data to advance global development priorities. Click on each card to learn more and access related publications. 

Countries need a new social contract for data

Man working on a computer

Countries need a new social contract for data

An agreement among all participants for creating, reusing, and sharing data is needed. This new social contract should

  • Enable the use and reuse of data to create economic and social value.
  • Promote equitable opportunities to benefit from data.
  • Foster citizens' trust in data systems.

Legal systems can be instruments for establishing, facilitating, and enforcing social contracts.

Public intent data can enable improvements in service delivery, targeting, accountability, and empowerment

Woman in a market using a mobile device

Public intent data can enable improvements in service delivery, targeting, accountability, and empowerment

Public intent data hold great potential to make public programs and policy more effective. Governments should: 

  • Prioritize the production of robust data and enhance trust in its quality. 
  • Provide long-term, stable financing for data; invest in technical and statistical capacity; and address data literacy and infrastructure needs. 
  • Enact legislation for safe data production and reuse.
  • Encourage the open and transparent use of data for decision making.

Private intent data can fuel growth and boost development

Man with a mobile phone talking with a person on a bike

Private intent data can fuel growth and boost development

Data collected and curated by the private sector hold great potential to spur economic development and create jobs. To support this, policy makers should:

  • Regulate data collection practices and ensure safe data storing and usage.
  • Address constraints to achieving scale. 
  • Introduce sector regulations and support schemes to provide a level playing field for all firms.

Repurposing and combining data can deepen their development impact

Person scrolling on an ipad

Repurposing and combining data can deepen their development impact

To encourage more efforts to repurpose and combine data, governments should:

  • Invest in creating data interoperability and in the research needed to leverage data.
  • Emphasize policy initiatives and investments to build the data skills of analysts and decision-makers.
  • Create institutional environments that encourage the use of sophisticated data and evidence in policy making.

Governments should align data governance with the social contract

Man and woman working on a computer

Governments should align data governance with the social contract

The building blocks to deliver benefits from data while safeguarding against harmful outcomes include:

  • Infrastructure policies: For universal broadband coverage and investments in domestic infrastructure to exchange, store, and process data.
  • Laws and regulations: Safeguards to protect data. Enablers to facilitate data sharing.
  • Economic policies: Antitrust policies for data platform businesses, trade policies in data-enabled services, and taxation policies of data platform businesses.
  • Institutions: Government entities to oversee, regulate, and secure data.

Governments and their partners should build integrated national data systems

A screen showing multiple data charts

Governments and their partners should build integrated national data systems

An Integrated National Data System (INDS) is a framework that allows a country to share data between national participants safely while maximizing the benefit equitably. A well-functioning INDS: 

  • Builds data production, protection, exchange, and use in planning and decision making.
  • Actively engages stakeholders.
  • Requires financing/incentives to produce/protect/share data. 
  • Invests in physical and human capital to improve data governance, analytical and data security skills, and data literacy of the general public.


The Government Analytics Handbook: Leveraging Data to Strengthen Public Administration

In this short video, the co-editors of the Government Analytics Handbook provide an overview of the purpose and contents of the book. They present it as a blueprint for governments for using data to diagnose problems in public administration, and to improve efficiency and service delivery.

Visualizing Progress: Data Insights from the Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals

The 2023 Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a visual resource showcasing progress and setbacks in achieving the SDGs through interactive storytelling and data visualization. It provides decision-makers, the development community, academics, journalists, and the public with data insights for each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and introduces concepts about how some SDGs are measured.

World Development Report 2021 Launch Event

At the global launch of World Development Report 2021, former World Bank Group President David Malpass, former Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid, Microsoft President Brad Smith, and WTO Director General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala discussed data’s tremendous potential to improve lives.


Policy Research Working Papers

Missing Evidence: Tracking Academic Data Use Around the World

Little is known about where data-driven research is lacking and how it could be expanded. This paper proposes a method for tracking academic data use by country of subject. Countries could use the paper’s findings to facilitate an understanding of the maturity of their statistical systems in supporting researchers, identify other countries that they could learn from as they seek to improve, and track progress or assess return on investment for funding related to statistical capacity building.

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Government Analytics Handbook

“Government analytics” is the repurposing of administrative and survey data from within government to improve the way government functions. It refers to the use of microdata to diagnose the inputs, management practices, processes, outputs, or outcomes in public sector organizations, units inside such organizations, and/or public administration as a whole. These diagnoses can pinpoint how well government is functioning—or not—and suggest paths for improvement.

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2023 World Bank Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals

The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aims to be a reservoir of knowledge for policy makers, academics, journalists, and the public at large. It follows an open data, open code, open knowledge approach. In this spirit, anyone can download all its data, code, and visualizations. 

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Visualizing Progress: Data Insights from the 2023 Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Through interactive storytelling and data visualizations, this event aimed to demonstrate the critical role of data in achieving the SDGs, and to show how the availability of timely and granular data can help guide policymaking toward measurable positive outcomes. The event also highlighted data-related challenges related to attainment of the SDGs, and discussed how innovation and partnerships have helped and will remain critical to overcoming data-related obstacles to meeting the SDGs.

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Mainstreaming Data-Driven Approaches to Inclusive Service Delivery: An Operational Toolkit for World Bank Task Teams

With support from the Human Rights, Inclusion and Empowerment Umbrella Trust Fund (HRIETF), this toolkit was created to help World Bank staff incorporate data-smart initiatives into operations more systematically across all sectors and country contexts. The toolkit suggests a problem-driven methodology aligned with the stages of the World Bank project cycle and includes practical examples from existing operations with data components.

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