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Women, Business and the Law

This e-learning course presents the World Bank’s influential Women, Business, and the Law (WBL) index. The course provides an overview of how the law restricts women's economic opportunities in many countries, hindering economic growth. The course explores recent literature, internationally recognized standards, the WBL methodology, and legal frameworks in 190 economies, providing insights for policy design.

Module 1: Migration and Development—Concepts and Data

This introductory-level course is part of the learning series "Migrants, Refugees, and Societies" and aims to familiarize participants with the academic and policy literature around migration to better design and evaluate effective policies.  The course is based on World Development Report 2023: Migrants, Refugees and Societies.    

  • Training course / In-person
  • 40 hours
  • People

Module 2: Migrants and Refugees—Statistics and Global Databases

As part of the learning series "Migrants, Refugees, and Societies", this course explores whether global data on migration trends are sufficient to help inform and design effective migration policies. The course will survey the state of migration data, discuss its importance in designing suitable and effective migration policies in origin and destination societies, and discuss data and trends on related topics including demography, remittances, and forced displacement. 

  • Training course / In-person
  • 18 hours
  • People

Module 3: Measuring the Impacts of Migration—Empirical Methods

This course, part of the learning series "Migrants, Refugees, and Societies", provides a comprehensive overview of methodological issues related to the assessment of the impacts of migration. We will discuss the various channels through which migration has a measurable impact on the migrant household, the key obstacles to being able to attribute effects to migration itself, and different empirical methods that can be used to identify the impacts of migration.

  • Training course / In-person
  • 16 hours
  • People