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Measuring Wealth in Household Surveys in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Vulnerability Perspective

This introductory-level course presents a conceptual framework and practical advice for measuring consumption, income, and wealth by shedding light upon their importance for measuring living standards. The course offers practical guidelines for household survey data production and processing on income and wealth, including recommendations for questionnaire design, data validation, outlier detection and treatment. 

Making Debt Data Transparent and Sustainable Amidst Debt Distress

As countries emerge from the pandemic, they face exacerbated debt levels, increased inflationary and interest rate pressures, and slowing growth rates. Consequently, debt risks and vulnerabilities are at an all-time high. This intermediate-level course provides an in-depth understanding of debt statistics from the World Bank Debtor Reporting System (DRS) and the methodologies for compiling external debt statistics. Participants will examine gaps and discrepancies that undermine confidence in debt statistics, impact debt sustainability, and complicate debt restructuring.